I often describe the OBM role as a success partner. One to help you work towards your next level of growth, get you out of the day-to-day operations of your business, and work with you to turn your goals into reality.
...So, what can you expect in the first 90 days of working together?
Well, today, I am answering that and sharing eight tips to ensure we build a successful working relationship:

TIP 01- Set a Vision
It is your role as CEO to cast the vision for the business and communicate what you want to achieve. You need to know where you want to go so I can create a plan for the next 90 days and steer the ship in the right direction.
TIP 02 - Create Space
It takes me time to get to know your business! As a Certified OBM, paired with my years as a project manager in the corporate world, I know how to manage projects, launches, and teams, but I need to learn about YOUR unique business and how YOU do things. Be sure to create space to onboard me onto your team correctly.
TIP 03 - Set Priorities
Hiring an OBM will NOT magically solve all your business challenges in the first 90 days. After our kick-off strategy call, you must agree on the top priorities (max 3!) we will focus on during our first 90 days together.
TIP 04 - Set Expectations
EXPECTATIONS // Be prepared to communicate what you expect (what success will look & feel like for you).
"Kirstin is a joy to work with! She possesses considerable knowledge about managing a design studio, and her enthusiasm for my business was contagious. With her fresh perspective, she could identify and solve problems I had previously struggled with." Michelle, Design Evolution Group.
TIP 05 - Establish Preferred Communication
This is also vital. Expect to give and receive 'excess' communication in the first 90 days until you understand each other's styles and have built trust.
TIP 06 - Develop Trust
Be willing to let go. OBMs are leaders, not followers. Expect that I will jump right in, take the lead on your business projects, and get things off your plate. This is what I am known for and have been trained to do.
TIP 07 - Have an Open Mind
Know that your OBM will think differently than you. My approach to doing things may look different from how you have or would do something; that's OK (part of letting go). We both bring unique approaches to the table; trust me, all successful creative and coaching businesses need this.
TIP 08 - Anticipate
Expect some bumps along the way. Week one may not feel amazing while you learn to work with someone new. Communication and collaboration will be the key to getting on track when things don't feel perfectly smooth. Don't throw in the towel too soon! Everything is possible when we come together with clarity, purpose, and patience in the first 90 days.

Hello, if we haven't had the opportunity to connect before, I'm Kirstin. I work as an Online Business Manager specializing in assisting female entrepreneurs in managing their business challenges by introducing a sense of peace and structure.
Ready to connect? Please complete a quick inquiry form to start the conversation on my Connect page!